Welcome to the Boise Hockey Blog

This weblog is dedicated to building a community for youth hockey parents & players in Idaho by providing information and links to topics related to youth hockey. Over time we plan to add information on Boise area youth hockey programs, hockey training, hockey camps/clinics, hockey equipment. etc. and also have some fun. Let us know what other information you and your hockey friends would find useful.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Sacrificing tomorrow for a win today “the cost of developing players”

As hockey grows in Idaho, we are confronted with many challenges in how we develop teams but we also have the great opportunity to dramatically affect the way we develop players of the future at the grass roots.

The game consists of passing, skating, making creative plays, regrouping, breaking out, puck possession, lighting fast decisions and physical play. Teams capable of achieving this type of play at all levels, experience a lot of success at many different levels. However, achieving this is no small task. This requires every player on the team to possess the skills necessary to accomplish the tasks needed and the athleticism to execute the tasks at the required level.

In past years, European teams and more specifically the Soviets had enjoyed years of dominance on the international stage deploying the skills mentioned above. The Czech Republic, Finland, Russia, Slovakia, and Sweden account for less than 18% of the total number of players in the world, but in the 2001-2002 season 36% of the NHL’s top 50-point scorers were comprised of players from these 5 countries. How did the soviets enjoy years of success, how did the small countries achieve that level of success?

The answer to that question is complex but there are some very simplistic concepts. First, they defined a goal of what they wanted to accomplish over the long term. They were not interested in the “quick fix” or the occasional “miracle win”, they wanted their teams to consistently dominate the international stage. So they focused on developing their youths, focusing in on developing skills and athleticism rather than developing the winning records of the youth coaches.

If we truly want to develop skilled and dominate teams we must adapt methods like the Europeans, focusing in on the development of players and not be driven by the immediate needs of parents, coaches and spectators, rather than the long-range interests of our youths. We (parents/coaches/spectators) must have patience with mistakes in practice and games. We must encourage players to try something new, experiment (try a new move) and allow them to fail. We must give the game back to the players and allowing them to develop their creativity.

Coaches, you can teach the systems and positioning as they are a very important part of the game. However, beware that there isn’t a system in the world that can compensate for lack of skill development and fundamentals. While teaching system always, always, always focus on the fundamentals. Do not allow them to do your system drills while skating, shooting or passing poorly.

Who is the next Great one? I cannot tell you, nor can you tell me, but let’s hope we as parents and coaches have the egos that allow the growth of the next one.

The goal of the greatest educators is to help students get to the point where they no longer need a teacher

2007 USJDP Selects Tour

2007 USJDP Selects Tour Staff Announced!
The USJDP has once again secured to top Junior A coaches to run our Euroepan Selects tour. An integral part of the Tour is the quality of the coaches directing our teams. To best compete against the elite international teams we play, our teams will have the best bench bosses around to provide the guidance, instruction, and experience to our players.

2007 Coaching Staff:
Fairbanks Ice Dogs, NAHL, Assistant Coach Josh Hauge
Portland Winterhawks, WHL, Assistant Coach Kyle Gustafson

Travel to Europe to train with, and play against, European Junior Teams!

 Birth Year Teams available: 1987-90, 1990-93
 6-8 games, 2-3 practices minimum

There are currently 5 spots available on the Red Team (birth years 1990-93), and 6 spots available on the Black Team (birth years 1987-90). Coaching Staff for the 2007 European Selects Tour will be announced shortly. For detailed information on the tour itinerary, accommodations, cost, and inclusions, please click here for the 2007 USJDP Selects Tour webpage

Player Selection Info:
To be considered for this tour, each player must email Mike Gempeler a complete player bio and report. Include current year team and stats, player size, position, family contact info, and coach name & contact number. Upon receipt of completed player report, the USJDP will contact each coach for an in-depth player recommendation and evaluation. Acceptance to these teams will be based equally on character references and player ability.

2007 USJDP Junior Prep Camp

University of Colorado, Boulder
July 1-7, July 8-14 & July 15-21, 2007

4 hours on-ice daily
3 hour daily Weight & Speed Training sessions
4 weekly Showcase Games
Individual Player Evaluation meetings with Camp Staff
First Annual USJDP Top Prospects List Selection & Report
Weekly Strength & Fitness Tests
Junior Hockey Seminars
Recruiting & Placement opportunities

The USJDP has once again secured the top professional, junior and collegiate coaches to direct the 2007 Prep Camp. In addition to the scheduled coaches listed below, we will also be hosting teams and league representatives from the Canadian Central Junior A Hockey League as well as scouts and coaches from many other US-based junior teams.

Week 1, July 1-7, 2007 Staff:
- Restigouche Tigers, MJAHL, Head Coach & GM John Paris, Jr.
- Fargo-Moorehead Jets, NAHL, Assistant Coach Aaron Kinslow
- Fairbanks Ice Dogs Assistant Coach, NAHL, Josh Hauge
- Tulsa Oilers, CHL, & Tulsa Rampage, WSHL Assistant Coach Alec Hines

Week 2, July 8-14, 2007 Staff:
- Atlanta Thrashers, NHL, Head Collegiate Scout John Perpich
- Restigouche Tigers, MJAHL, Head Coach & GM John Paris, Jr.
- Fargo-Moorehead Jets, NAHL, Assistant Coach Aaron Kinslow
- Fairbanks Ice Dogs Assistant Coach, NAHL, Josh Hauge
- Portland Winterhawks, WHL, Assistant Coach Kyle Gustafson
- Carleton College Head Coach Tom Lenox

Week 3, July 15-21, 2007 Staff:
- Atlanta Thrashers, NHL, Head Collegiate Scout John Perpich
- Portland Winterhawks, WHL, Assistant Coach Brian Pellerin
- Portland Winterhawks, WHL, Assistant Coach Kyle Gustafson
- Carleton College Head Coach Tom Lenox
- Portland Winterhawks, WHL, Head Scout Matt Bardsley

*The Junior Prep Camp is for current year Junior A-B and Midget/Bantam AA-AAA players only.

REGISTER Online Today! Or call us directly at 303.964.0929 to register over the phone. The 2007 Prep Camp is filling up fast so please don't miss out and REGISTER Today!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Ultimate Hockey Announces the launch of it's FREE off-ice workout program

How Sign Up
1. Email dedicationteam@ultimatehockeyinc.com to sign up for the program.
2. This is the information you need to include in your email to dedicationteam@ultimatehockeyinc.com to become registered for the program: the player's name, the player's birthdate, the player's position, the player's previous team, the player's level for the 07/08 season, and be sure that the email you use to register for the program is the best email address because all information and workouts will be sent via email.
3. There is no downside to signing up for this program. No player should pass up on this opportunity, it is a 100% free program.
4. All information will be posted shortly at the Dedication Team link under Training at www.ultimatehockeyinc.com .

Program Overview
1. On June 1st the program begins.
2. A customized workout for each age group will be emailed to all registered participants. Workouts will start very basic for the younger age groups and become more challenging for the older age groups. Workouts will include agility drills, off-ice stickhandling drills, off-ice shooting drills, plyometric drills, speed drills, and body weight strength and balance drills. Weightlifting will be introduced to the Bantam level and Midget level. We do not condone ANY player using weights until they first consult with a certified personal trainer to be sure that you are ready to begin lifting weights and understand the proper technique of each exercise. Lifting weights before your body is ready or with improper technique can cause serious damage or injury that could affect you for the rest of your life. Even if you have lifted weights before it is very likely you have been performing some or all of the lifts with improper technique unless you have been working with a certified strength trainer.
3. The focus of our program will be developing skills through off-ice drills, athleticism through agility and quickness drills, and power through plyometric drills. These are the three most important attributes of any successful hockey player.

How The Dedication Team Works
1. The Off-Season Program will run through June, July and August. An In-Season Program from September - April will be separate and each player will have an opportunity to register for that program in July.
2. Starting May 31st an monthly workout will be emailed to each registered player. This will continue each month until the end of the Off-Season Program on August 31st. So three workouts will be emailed out total, one on May 31st for June, one on June 30th for July, and one on July 31st for August.
3. There will be a total of 80 workout days throughout the 3 months. There will be no workouts on any Sunday's but one.
4. After you complete an ENTIRE workout for a the day, you can fill in all of the blank spaces stating you completed each exercise. At the end of the month both the player and the parent must sign the workout and mail it into Ultimate Hockey. All of the days you completed the ENTIRE workout for that month will be tallied. Players repeat this process each month. We must receive your workout by the 15th of the following month or it will not count towards your total.

The Ultimate Hockey DEDICATION TEAM
1. There will be 80 workouts total. The top 25 players who complete the most workouts throughout the Off-Season program will become part of the 2007/2008 Ultimate Hockey DEDICATION TEAM and will receive a DEDICATION TEAM t-shirt.
2. Any player completing 60 workouts or more but not making it to the top 25 will be in our PLATINUM CLUB
3. Any player completing 40 workouts or more will be in our GOLD CLUB
4. Any player completing 20 workouts or more will be in our SILVER CLUB
5. THERE ARE NO LOSERS! Even if a player just completes 1 day's workout it is better than nothing.
6. All DEDICATION TEAM, Platinum, Gold, and silver members will be listed on the Dedication Team link under Training at www.ultimatehockeyinc.com .

1. Obviously, we can't be there to monitor your workouts. This program is based on the honor system.
2. If you decide to cheat and say you completed an entire workout when you didn't, even if you just skipped one exercise, you are only cheating yourself.
3. Honesty is a very important aspect of this program. We have designed this program to assist hockey players with reaching their HIGHEST hockey goals. If you didn't complete as many workouts as you would have liked, you will always be able to really get after it during the In-Season Program or next summer for the 2008/2009 Off-Season Program.

1. Get your registration emails in as soon as possible! Remember to include: the player's name, the player's birthdate, the player's position, the player's previous team, the player's level for the 07/08 season, and be sure that the email you use to register for the program is the best email address because all information and workouts will be sent via email.
2. EMAIL: dedicationteam@ultimatehockeyinc.com
3. Forward this email onto as MANY hockey players as possible. There isn't one person who shouldn't register for this program.
4. Do NOT reply to this email unless you would like to be added or removed from this list.

1. Although we are running this program at no charge. It will cost us quite a bit of money and time. We would be very happy if any individuals or companies would be interested in sponsoring the DEDICATION TEAM program. We can list sponsors on each workout program, on the DEDICATION TEAM webpage under Training and www.ultimatehockeyinc.com , and on all DEDICATION TEAM t-shirts. Please email dedicationteam@ultimatehockeyinc.com if you are interested becoming a sponsor.
2. A sponsorship is a great opportunity for positive exposure within the hockey community.
3. We will continue to run this program year in and year out regardless if we have sponsors or not.

We are very excited about the impact this program has on all the players who give a full effort and are DEDICATED!!!


Email Address Changes:

Email List
This list will include all of our NEW program information, training tips, and hockey tips from Ultimate Hockey. To sign up or be removed from this list email aaalist@ultimatehockeyinc.com.

My Hockey Email
My hockey email address will be changing as well. For all hockey related matters please email me at Zach headrick .


Zac Headrick

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Summer Hockey Camps in the Boise/McCall Area

Ice Hockey Camps currently scheduled for Boise (Idaho IceWorld):
Ice Hockey Camps currently scheduled for McCall (Manchester Ice Arena):

Off Ice Training

"HIT" - High Impact Training with Idaho Steelhead Jeremy Yablonski. A 9 week program that includes daily (Monday-Friday) work-outs. Contact Jeremey at (208)761-4308 or email: yabo33@gmail.com.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Summer events

What type of events would you like to see offered from coaches to help develop your hockey skills?

a. Summer clinics - check www.jrsteelheads.com for summer clinics with Jeremy Mylymok.
b. Dry land drills (Plyometrics, stick handling, shooting, etc).
c. Pond Hockey event (rent ice and play).

Hockey and Plyometrics

Speed and strength are integral components in today’s game. To obtain your maximum potential on your skates requires work both on and off the ice, and one of the questions I get most is “What types of exercises can I (or my player) do to get better?” This is a loaded question of course, as you can do many things to help increase your speed and strength but there are a series of simple exercises you can do in your back yard or garage.

It’s called “Plyometrics” or jump training. Plyometrics is a type of exercise that uses explosive movements to develop muscular power and the ability to generate a large amount of force quickly. The focus of plyometrics is on power, not muscle growth. Plyometrics links strength with speed of movement. Plyometrics can greatly increase skating acceleration and explosiveness, as well as increase shot power and a quicker shot release.

However, this is not the end all solution and as with any exercise regiment, there are concerns.

1. Plyometrics can cause too much stress on the joints and therefore cause joint issues and in some extreme cases in younger athletes below the age of 10 or 11 can even cause damage to the growth plates. Most in the strength and conditioning industry agree, doing the exercise correctly in paramount in reducing your chances for injury.

Consider this, the most simplistic exercise is a jump (Up and down). Most inexperienced athletes do this simple exercise with little to no thought to the proper execution, and more importantly the landing. You should strive to land on your toes, causing little to no noise on the landing “land like a cat” or “soft landing”. If you land like a ton of bricks you run the possibility of injury. ALWAYS make sure you are landing in a controlled “cat like” way.

Also, consider the shoes you are wearing. Shoe technology has come a long way since my day, but there are cross training shoes that offer protection in reducing the amount of shock to the body during landing. You can also get an exercise mat to help reduce the shock. These are small investments that go a long way towards keeping your body healthy and safe.

2. There is a chance that you can train too much, not giving the body time to rest. If you are doing these exercises during the hockey season, where you are on the ice 3 to 5 times a week, involved with other sports, or other training regiments, then you need to review your schedule to allow the body time to recuperate and heal. TAKE TIME OFF!

Do it right, do it safe, or don’t do it at all.

Interested in learning more? Let me know...

Hockey Parents Make the Difference

In youth sports the “Team” is much more than just the coaches and the players. The team consists of coaches, players, the many volunteers (team managers, team mom, fundraising coordinators, etc) and finally, most importantly the parents. Believe it or not, parents play a very important part in the player’s development as a team member and how he/she interacts within the team.

This page has been prepared by USA Hockey to assist parents in becoming more familiar with the sport of ice hockey and its organization and structure at the grassroots level. In this brochure, you will find information designed to enrich the entire youth hockey experience for parents and players alike.

Keep in mind that, above all, the motivating factor for most children who enter an organized youth sports program is their desire to have fun. This is particularly true with young children, many of whom are newcomers to the youth sports scene.
With a supportive attitude and a fundamental understanding of the "basics" of ice hockey, everyone will come away from their youth sports experience with a positive feeling.

In The Stands
Parents can take the fun out of hockey by continually yelling or screaming from the stands. Parents should enjoy the game and applaud good plays. The stands are not a place from which parents should try to personally coach their kids. Kids often mirror the actions of their parents; if they see mom or dad losing their cool in the stands, they'll probably do the same on the ice.
Car And Home
Some parents not only spoil the fun for their kids at the ice rink, but also in the car, believing this is the perfect place for instruction. Parents should try to keep things in perspective. There's more to life than hockey, and the car and home are not places to coach. Parents are responsible for supporting and respecting the coach's decisions and abilities. It is unfair to put children in a position of having to decide who to listen to their parents or the coach.

At Practice
Parents should remember that if a child wants to improve, they have to practice not just play. Even if a child is not the "star" player for a team, practice stresses the importance of teamwork, establishing goals, discipline and learning to control your emotions, all of which are important lessons children can use both in and away from sports.

At The Rink
Hockey parents can help create a fun environment by making certain their children are wearing properly fitted equipment. Parents also need to stress fair play and risk management to help eliminate injuries.
Initiation Program

The USA Hockey Initiation Program has been developed to make certain that a child's first experience with hockey is positive, safe and fun. Parents should avoid pressuring or placing unreasonable expectations on their children, particularly at the Initiation Program level. No matter what happens on the ice, children need your support, so always strive to be positive.
Heads Up Hockey

In 1996-97, USA Hockey introduced a national safety and awareness campaign called Heads Up Hockey. Designed to promote a safer, smarter, better style of play, Heads Up Hockey introduces concepts and techniques that will enhance your child's enjoyment of youth hockey. For more information on the Heads Up Hockey program, contact your coach or league administrator. Encourage your child to play Heads Up Hockey.

Support Your Child
There are many benefits that are derived from playing youth hockey. Boys and girls learn good sportsmanship and self-discipline. They learn to work together, how to sacrifice for the good of the team, how to enjoy winning and how to handle defeat. In the process, they also learn important lessons about physical fitness and personal health.

The degree to which your child benefits from his or her youth hockey experience is as much your responsibility as it is theirs. In order for your child to get the most out of a youth hockey program, it is important for you to show support and offer encouragement while maintaining a genuine interest in the team.

Always Be Positive
Parents serve as role models for their children, who often look to adults for advice, direction and approval. Never lose sight of the fact that you are a role model, and strive to be a positive role model. As a parent, one of the most important things you can do is show good sportsmanship at all times to coaches, referees, opponents and teammates.

Remember that your children are PLAYING hockey. It is important to allow them to establish their own goals and play the game for themselves. Be careful not to impose your own standards or objectives.

Let The Coach Coach
Avoid placing an exaggerated emphasis on winning. A recent survey indicated 72% of children would rather play for a losing team than ride the bench for a winner. The most important aspect of your child's youth hockey experience is for them to have fun while developing physical and emotional skills that will serve them in life. A healthy, risk-free environment that emphasizes the importance of fair play, sportsmanship, discipline and, most importantly, fun will be invaluable for your child as he or she continues to develop a positive self image.

Positive Reinforcement
The best way to help children achieve goals and reduce their natural fear of failure is through positive reinforcement. After all, no one likes to make mistakes.
If your child does make a mistake and they will (remember, they're just kids) keep in mind that mistakes are an important part of the overall learning process. Strive to be supportive and point out the things they do well. Make your child feel like a winner.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Hockey Humor - General day to day.

During off ice work outs - Man all this exercising is making my “smell good stuff” go away.

Coach catches a player duct taping a cup to himself. Player asks “Am I going to get punished for forgetting my jock” Coach replies “Yes, but not by me as removing that tape will be a far better punishment that I can think of.”

In the hospital - Nurse asks injured player “On a scale from 1 – 10, 10 being the worse pain you every felt, how does this pain rate?” the player brakes out laughing.

Coach tells everyone “make sure you have your mouth pieces in.” player replies “Why, I’m not playing center.” Coach "Why me?"

In the hospital - As the nurse finishes cutting the equipment off an injuried bantam aged player and leaves the room the player comments "Coach did you see the nurse checking me out?" Coach replies "The pain killers kicking in?".

Hockey Humor - Excuses for poor play

1. My brain went to sleep in between periods and I couldn't wake it up.
2. “I could not make the 10 foot pass because the ice was bad”, coach “Is this
the excuse you want to stick with?”, player “No.”
3. My jock is too loose, can I go change it?
4. Coach asks “Is it your bad knee?”, Player say “Yes”, Coach “Which one is it?”, player “I don’t remember.“

Hockey Humor - Excuses for being late for a game or practice.

The things our hockey players tell coaches when they are late for a game or practice.

1. I tripped over my hockey bag and was knocked unconscious.
2. My car broke down and I was held up by robbers, took all my equipment.
3. I was arrested as a result of mistaken identity.
4. I forgot to come back to the game after the period.
5. I got locked in the locker room.
6. I couldn't find my skates.
7. Mom put my skates in a different compartment in my bag, and I could not find them.
8. I hurt myself with a poker chip.
9. I was listening to my Ipod and didn’t realize the game started.
10. I had to be there for my dad's grand jury trial.
11. I had to ship my Easton sticks to India.
12. I forgot what day of the week it was.
13. A tree fell on my equipment.
14. My monkey died.
15. I left my hockey bag at home but I have my stick.